Ahmed H.

Ahmed H.

Ahmed H.

Lead Product Designer who helps businesses achieve their goals by focusing on users .

Lead Product Designer who helps businesses achieve their goals by focusing on users .

Lead Product Designer who helps businesses achieve their goals by focusing on users .

If it cannot be measured, it cannot be improved.

– Peter Drucker, Austrian American management consultant, educator, & author

3.22 Million users have interacted with the experiences I have designed.

Helped a startup scale from £196,000 to £90 Million through comprehensive multi-channel design system, focusing on user goals, A/B tests and analytics.

Redesigned Checkout Experience that saved ~$1.6 Million for Motive i.e. a Silicon Valley Startup worth $2.4 Billion.

Ideated, designed and delivered a feature that tracked assets worth £5.5 Billion.

Achieved 57.69 NPS score in an industry where 34 is considered good.

8.3/10 User Satisfaction for a Fintech App.

Achieved 75% retention rate in a heavily regulated onboarding that even requires users to pass a quiz.

Researched on Women Inclusion in Finance with the world's top design firm i.e. IDEO.

Delivered an App Demo for UAE's Al-Salam Bank within 10 days.